Founded in 2006, Predator Corporation is a software firm focused on smarter ways to manage web sites, content, and trade relationships. Predator offers a balanced mix of innovative technology, expertise, and friendly support to help adult webmasters achieve more with their content and online communications.
Predator isn’t just a website CMS, it is a team of professionals who handle the installation on your server, are available for customization projects to suit your needs, and provide service after the sale. We also feature a community of webmasters who use our forum to share best practices, ideas and support assistance. From our developers to our community of friends, we are here to help you succeed.
Predator is used by large websites that need a powerful system to manage their long list of trade relationships, links and deep content libraries. It’s also used by new webmasters and smaller sites due to its incredibly straightforward interface and simple-to-learn controls. Most webmasters are thrilled to discover that they are running at full speed right out of the box, and how easy it is to get the most out of Predator’s capabilities.
Predator was founded in 2006 by a long-time webmaster & developer who wanted to create the kind of solution that he needed in his own business. He turned his detailed CMS “wish list” into a first-rate system – Predator CMS. With that he added the free installation services and available support & customization programming that became the hallmark of excellent service.
"Predator CMS is the best way to manage my plugs, videos, feeds and ads. It cut my daily workload by 90%."
"I went through two different scripts before finding Predator CMS. Predator immediately gave me the scalability, trade analytics and security features that no one else could deliver - all right out of the box."